Photograph: Hiroshi HASEGAWA

hinkansen has long been a symbol of the technological strength of modern Japan. This superfast train project was initiated in 1959, just when the International Olympic Committee selected Tokyo as the venue for the 1964 Olympics. In this golden age of the Nippon economy, the preparation for the games provided the Japanese people with the affirmation of their new economic power, doubled by the international recognition that had been so much anticipated. Proudly, the whole county, as well as the capital, turned itself into an incredible construction site, where expressways, elevated roads, and spacious avenues emerged to replace intricate meshes of narrow alleys while newly-built concrete tours formed barriers between roads with a flood of cars and densely built-up areas with small traditional houses given a suspended sentence. Without caring for peripheral inhabitants, the Japanese government and general construction firms thus built a railroad between Tokyo-Osaka for the future train; the countryside bled for the project without anything to be paid in return. Progress was so cold-blooded. Today, falling behind the French TGV in running speed, Shinkansen has been still a symbol for the people who travel well around their country. It is why Iwasaki and Takamine chose this icon of technology for the inspiration of their first collaboration. While they are both devoted to new technologies and computer graphics, their creative approach is simply minimal and realistic: they set up a video camera on the exterior of the motive car of the superfast train to shoot the way from Nagoya to Tokyo, a 2-hour journey. Oh, what an incredible project it is! What the video presents is nothing but tremendous rumbling and fuzzy images: we can see none of scenes including the moment of the departure from Nagoya and that of arrival at Tokyo as well as tea plantations and Mt. Fuji on the way. In 1895, one of the two brothers had invented cinematography, shooting a moving train with a camera fixed. A century later, the two young Japanese artists demonstrate the contrary to the principle of reality: the camera must be immobile in order to express speed.
(Eric MEZIL, Independent Curator)
“テクノロジーのイコン” 展覧会カタログ “どないやねん!” ,1998

video installation | image projection, wood temporary wall, sound system
300 x 400 x 500 cm
300 x 400 x 500 cm