The third chapter, in light of the study results presented in the two forgoing chapters, goes into details about my very own digital self-portraits based on such elements as "form", "color", "composition" and "time and space expression", inspired by various kinds of artworks from all ages and cultures, including but not limited to portraits and self-portraits, in order to illustrate the differences and affinities between the analog and digital techniques as well as their respective originalities. Besides, referring to diverse theories and thoughts from art to science, from religion to philosophy in an interdisciplinary way and compared to the said inspirational pieces, it investigates my own self-portraits themselves, which embody my own physicality, concerning their conceptions and production processes. Finally, the fourth chapter provides details on my doctoral graduation work named "Abyss", from the intent and purpose of the realization to the process of decomposing and reconstructing my self, reaching a definitive conclusion that for me, an attempt to reconstruct even my digital self-portraiture itself is all about seeking a sense of being alive, which has been increasingly becoming difficult to feel in this information society today, thereby regaining a sense of physicality, which should be the most crucial for everyone as a human being.
I have deliberated on an innate desire of expressing their individuality proper to humankind so far. Acquired through the realization of the graduate work, the "Reconstruction of self-portraiture with computer graphics" reveals a new form of self-expression based on a new way of self-recognition. In the current digital networked environment, there are an infinite number of "artworks" posted, viewed and circulated, of which the representations seem a little bit too naive and private. The digital self-portraiture, which exactly constitutes the core of the research and realization, could play a more significant role in the information age and provide a guide for self-confrontation while raising such questions as what individuality is or what the individual self is, which should invite people to further explorations - what a human is, and then, what art is.
(Masashi IWASAKI)
“デジタルセルフポートレイト” 倉敷芸術科学大学大学院・博士学位論文要旨,2022.02.10
Photograph: Kyogo MATSUMOTO
every piece 42 x 35 cm
silver digital plate, aluminium frame
すべて 42 x 35 cm
every piece 73 x 73 cm
inkjet print, aluminium dibond plate
すべて 73 x 73 cm
dimension variable
digital photography